Escape Government Surveillance for Good! 188 Copies Left Half-Off!

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If You Own Any Phone, Car, or TV Made In the Past 10 Years…
They’re Using It to Monitor You 24/7…

Sure, technology has made life a whole lot easier…

But there is a dark and sinister side to it that few Americans realize.

Sadly, all “smart device” manufacturers have been in bed with the US Government for years now.

They’ve put a built-in “Surveillance Circuit” in every smartphone, TV, and car made in the past 10 years…

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…which lets them monitor you NONSTOP – without you ever having a clue!

They can even do it when your phone is turned off!

That should make you mad as hell.

Fortunately, there are proven ways to BLOCK their evil spying on every device you own.

And you can see exactly what they are inside this…

Rare Book That Shows You How to Take Back Your Privacy and Escape Their Endless Surveillance!

(188 Hardcopies Available HALF OFF)

As of , over 14 Government Agencies have LEGAL PERMISSION to collect and store virtually every piece of your private information.

The things they’re capable of doing will terrify you:

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They can record everything that happens on your phone – your texts, calls, pictures, and videos… They can even spy through your phone's microphone and camera when it’s turned off!

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They can track every internet search you’ve ever done… even the ones you aren’t proud of. Next, they can use this information to “red flag” you... charge you as a “domestic terrorist”... then freeze your assets and put you in JAIL!

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They can quietly log into your bank account, track all your deposits, and hit you with a surprise tax bill if they see anything “suspicious”...

These are just a few of the reasons why we’re urging you to grab a copy of this book today.

They’re in a constant state of collecting data on you to use for God knows what.

Plus, today is the best time for you to get a copy of this book because…

26,723 People Have Happily Paid Full-Price for This Book But Today, It’s Yours for HALF OFF!

testimony 5-star

Richard P.

“Just got my copy… WOW”

I have to tell you how impressed I am! We all know the Government is watching us, but I never knew how to stop them… or how simple it is until I read this book.

Thanks and God Bless America!

testimony 5-star

Loren S.

“What this book reveals is astonishing.”

I’ll be honest. When I saw the truth about government spying in this book, it made me sick to my stomach. But I’m forever grateful that I now know how to stop it from happening to me ever again!

testimony 5-star

Charles M.

“I thought I knew how to have privacy, but I was wrong.”

I can’t tell you how thankful I am to have this book. As someone who thought I knew how to avoid surveillance, it was extremely eye-opening. I can finally rest easy and urge anyone who wants the same to get this book immediately.

testimony 5-star

Sandra B.

“I finally know how to stop their prying eyes.”

It’s unbelievable that more people aren’t aware of this… and even more unbelievable that they don’t know how to stop it. The info in this book is the only way I’ve found to do it!

So far… more than 26,723 people have clamored to get access to this shocking book.

It provides what we believe is the most complete system for helping you live a life that is totally HIDDEN from the prying eyes of Big Brother and Big Tech.

Everyone who has claimed a copy so far has paid $39.97 – a more than fair price for the valuable privacy protection secrets inside…

But for a short time…

We’re handing out a limited number of copies for half the normal price – just $19.97!

There’s no promise how long this will last though…

If you come back to this page tomorrow… or next week…

We simply can’t guarantee you’ll see today’s low price.

So grab your copy NOW!

If You Act Now, You’ll Also Get 4 FREE Bonus Books As Well!

We want to make grabbing your discounted hardcopy of “Wire Tapped America” a total no-brainer decision…

That’s why when you grab yours today…

You’ll get 4 more hardcopies of our best-selling books for FREE!

FREE Bonus #1: “Guerrilla Gun Guide”

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How to Buy Guns With ZERO Background Check, Legally “Erase” Serial Numbers from Any Firearm, and MUCH MORE!

It’s no secret that the 2nd Amendment is under constant attack in America today.

This amazing book shows you how to stay armed no matter what crazy new laws they pass.

Inside, you’ll find things like:

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The simple way to get almost any firearm with ZERO background check.

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How to 100% legally “erase” serial numbers from any guns you own.

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The 1 ATF Form you must avoid at all costs.

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Sneaky ways to hide your firearms and make them virtually “confiscation-proof”

FREE Bonus #2: “Escaping Anarchy”

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Priceless Secrets to Survive and Thrive When Collapse Arrives at Your Doorstep

The pandemic proved just how quickly our society can devolve into madness…

That’s why we want you to have a Free copy of bestselling survival author Frank Mitchell’s new book, Escaping Anarchy.

Inside, you’ll get crucial guidance on exactly what to do if/when things start falling apart again:

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On page 26, you’ll learn exactly how to have home-cooked meals every day even if the power and gas are out.

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Learn where the safest place is for your family during a crisis. Hint, it’s not always best to stay home and it’s not always best to leave during a disaster.

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How to save a life, even if you have no medical experience. During a crisis people will be wounded, but professional care won’t be easy to find...

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The truth about having a gun. Just having a gun in your house doesn’t guarantee anything… unless you know what kind to have and how to use it.

FREE Bonus #3: “Tongues Cut Out”

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The Left Is Working to END the First Amendment & SMOTHER Conservatives
This Shows You How to Fight Back!

Even with Trump in the White House…. the war against conservatism in America is getting worse by the day!

But the Radical Left knows that – at this point in history – they can’t silence conservatives by force.

So they’re fighting conservatives with sneaky censorship instead:

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By making Facebook posts mysteriously disappear…

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By “erasing” certain articles from search results online…

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And by using bogus claims of “misinformation” or “hate speech” to wipe conservatives off of every single media platform…

And the truth is… unless we do something about this today…

It won’t be long until jail time for saying the “wrong thing” could become a reality.

It’s already happening in Europe… it’s only a matter of time before the same thing happens here.

That’s why we’re giving you a FREE copy of “Tongues Cut Out” today.

…to help ensure our right to speak freely never ends and that America stays free forever.

FREE Bonus #4: “Dollar Doomsday”

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The Dollar Is Set to COLLAPSE!
But This FREE Book Can Help You Make a Handsome Profit When It Does…

You see glaring warning signs of the approaching DEATH of the US Dollar every single day…

Inflation is making the dollar more and more worthless by the minute… and that inflation shows no sign of slowing down soon.

Meanwhile, the Middle East (along with Russia and China) are quietly working to stop trading oil in US Dollarswhich is virtually guaranteed to destroy our currency for good!

When that happens…

Americans could see the value of their savings decline as much as 60-90%!

That’s why we’re giving you this FREE book today, which shows you:

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1 quickly growing asset class that’s poised to skyrocket as a result of the dollar’s collapse…

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How to monitor the dollar’s final decline, so you can time your investments perfectly…

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Why you don’t have to wait for the dollar to totally fall before you can profit (and how you can profit long after it falls as well!)

Your Free copy of this book will give you all this, plus dozens of other crucial instructions for ensuring you get the best gains with the least effort -- while keeping your wealth safe from the dollar’s demise!

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Plus, You’re Covered By Our Iron-Clad,
Money-Back Guarantee!

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Our stance on doing business is simple.

You must absolutely love your new book and the included bonuses.

If not, then we will refund you every penny.

It’s that simple.

All you have to do is call or email our US-Based Support Team, and we will promptly refund you everything.

We’ve removed all the risk of your purchase today and put it squarely on our shoulders – right where it belongs.

So don’t wait another second, because…

WARNING: Once You Leave This Page, Your Chance to Claim This Deal May Disappear!

Like we said…

Sadly, we don’t know just how long we can afford to keep this special deal open.

You already see soaring inflation everywhere you go.

And unfortunately, our business is being severely affected by it too.

The cost of materials, shipping, and everything else is going through the roof.

As a result…

We simply cannot promise that today’s price on this deal will be available if you don’t claim it immediately.

If you come back later… there’s a very good chance you’ll see a price much higher than what’s available on this page today.

On top of that…

We also can’t guarantee we’ll still be offering 4 FREE additional books like we are today.

All that said…

If you act right now…

You can still get your copy of “Wire Tapped America” for just $19.97 along with your 4 FREE bonus books.

So claim yours NOW – while you still can!

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