NDT Hotlist Confirmation Page – Modern Needs Survival

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Congrats! You’ve Been Added to the Night Defender Launch Hotlist!

We’ll Email You the 4 Hours Before It’s Officially Released So You Have the Best Shot at Snagging One…

789 of These “Nuclear Blast Bright” Torches Will Be Available On Saturday, July 29
You’ll Get a Head Start to Snag One – But These Are Going to Move Fast!

789 might sound like a lot… but when you consider we have tens of thousands of people on our email list…

You’ll understand why these won’t last long!

Since you’ve joined the launch hotlist, we’ll email you early access to grab a Night Defender before it gets released to the rest of our subscribers.

But you’ll still be competing with everyone else on the hotlist to get one.

And once we show this to the rest of our subscribers who aren’t on the hotlist…

The competition will get even steeper (assuming we still have any left by then).

So don’t wait around when you hear from us on Saturday morning!

-The Modern Needs Team

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Sicuro Brands, 1801 E 51st Suite 365-115, Austin, TX 78723