Guarantee You Never Go Hungry or Thirsty (Without Spending a Fortune)
Be Your Own Doctor When Hospital Doors Are Shuttered
What may seem like a small injury in a non-crisis environment can quickly turn deadly if you’re forced to treat it yourself and don’t know how. Thankfully, The First 72 Hours includes a wealth of little-known (but highly effective) ways to treat the most common ailments you may encounter when modern medicine is out of reach. This chapter is especially valuable if you’re on medication, since it shows you how to easily and legally stockpile drugs that might otherwise require routine prescriptions and refills.
Dozens of Home and Self-Defense Secrets for Total Peace of Mind
Plus Much, Much More…
What you read above is just a small sample of the 100s of simple, easy-to-implement tactics you’ll discover inside The First 72 Hours. And knowing just one of them at the moment you need it most could save your life. You already have car insurance and health insurance to be ready for the worst… why not own a copy of this book as inexpensive insurance for literally anything else that comes your way?